In 1819, the First General Assembly of Illinois created the Township Trustees of Schools system, whereby each township is a unit for common school purposes. The intent is to administer school finances and any other business that may present itself in the financial operations of the school districts within the various townships. Under this system, the Township School Trustees have been empowered with the responsibility of appointing a qualified person to act as Township School Treasurer. Since the beginning of public education in Illinois, Township Trustees of Schools and Township School Treasurers have played a vital role in the development, growth, and success of our schools.
Thomas H. Ahlbeck, CPA, Maine Township School Treasurer
Tom has over 40 years of public accounting experience, including that of a mid-size and large firm. Currently the sole principal of Ahlbeck & Company, he has served as the Maine Township School Treasurer since 1990. His financial and accounting experience along with his commitment to accountability and transparency allow him to uphold his fiduciary responsibilities as Maine Township School Treasurer with the highest level of professionalism and integrity.
Tom graduated with a B.S. in Accountancy from Northern Illinois University. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Illinois CPA Society and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials and serves as President of the Illinois Association of School Treasurers. Tom has also been active in the community, including with several local not-for-profit organizations.